
Become an Untappd Supporter!

If there's one thing we know here at Untappd, it's that our community of users is one of the most passionate groups of people out there. Over the years, it's the support of this community - users like you - that has continued to drive us. As many of you know, Untappd is a boot strapped start up and everything we make is recycled back into continuing to operate our service.

Today, we're excited to announce Untappd Supporter accounts. These premium accounts will allow those who subscribe to access premium features within Untappd. For the cost of one beer a month, you can:

  • Export your check-in history
  • View detailed check-in statistics
  • Show off your shiny supporter banner
  • Unlock a special supporter only badge
  • Access more features in the future

Supporter accounts cost $5/month or $50/year (2 month discount) and all proceeds will go to help Untappd continue to grow and thrive.

For all the details and to sign up for your supporter account, head over to

We've listened to your feedback about these accounts and explained in more detail here.


Wed, 05 Dec 2012 13:43:00 +0000

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