
Untappd is 1,000,000 strong and growing!

We have some big news and we're excited to share it with you all!

Untappd is now 1,000,000 strong!

That's right, Untappd has surpassed 1,000,000 users and we couldn't be happier. The past 3+ years have been a whirlwind of code, servers, and beer. From our humble beginnings, we were ecstatic when we passed 1,000 users, and now to be able to say that we've grown to over a million. It's an amazing feeling and we have all of you to thank for using Untappd to log all of your beers!

Speaking of which, our community has consumed well over 60,000,000 beers in the past 3 years (an average of ~55,000 beers per day)! How insane is that?

As we continue to grow the community, adding new features and updating existing ones, we want you to know how much we appreciate your support!

Here's to another million!

- Tim & Greg (The Untappd Team)

Fri, 17 Jan 2014 19:58:00 +0000

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